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Traveling Circus Of The Silver Lady Ua
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TRAVELING Circus Of The Silver Lady Ua

dovhopol N.

Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2023
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 324
ean: 978*****21485

"The spectacular owner of the traveling circus, Frau Grete, is going through difficult times. Not only that her husband turned out to be an adventurer and disappeared, but also the troupe has to be saved from impoverishment. In addition, the crowning number - the performance of a giant tame wolf - is on the verge of failure: a young audience member, which everyone believes to be the cause, goes on stage and tames the formidable beast. What is this, if not a witch's spell? The circus moves on. But from that meeting in a striped tent, pitched for one evening in the middle of a mowed field, a new story begins: about those who is looking for love and justice, about people and werewolves trying to find their true essence. The heroes of the novel will have to experience the bitterness of betrayals and defeats, make an adventure-filled journey through the Ukrainian lands of the beginning of the 20th century, and even find a common language with amazing creatures from ancient legends."

[Kod oferty,5*******78966*****85,2023-12-16 00:17:26]
ID: 912782414

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Traveling Circus Of The Silver Lady Ua

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