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The secret of Viti Zaychyk. A magical talisman UA - V. Nestayko
  • Firmowe

  • Rok wydania: 2022

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Nowe


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"The boy Vitya grew up all his life with grandmother Svitlana, who is quite a connoisseur, loving and kind
But he misses his dad so much, who is farting somewhere in Africa and does not come to the holidays
The mysterious Miss Mystery promises that he and dad will definitely will meet, and invites Vitya on a trip to the fairy - tale lands of Zlandia and Dobrandia
Previously, he had heard about these lands only from his grandmother's stories
But maybe it is here that he will finally meet his father and save the girl Dobrodynka from King Zlanyk? (""The secret of Vitya Zaychik "")
Three friends from the village of Garbuzyany receive a frog's leg as a gift from a mysterious stranger
It turns out to be a magical talisman that grants all wishes
Win a car? Gladly! Star in a movie? Light! But the boys don't know yet: this is a real test for their friendship
(""Magic Talisman"")"
ID: 917946019

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The secret of Viti Zaychyk. A magical talisman UA - V. Nestayko

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