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"The Quter Temple of Witchcraft" Christopher Penczak
"The Quter Temple of Witchcraft" Christopher Penczak
  • Prywatne

  • Rok wydania: 2008

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Nowe


Penczak, a New Hampshire-based witch and teacher, is one of the most prolific and esteemed authors in the Wiccan community. In The Inner Temple of Witchcraft , he helped readers go inward—mastering the interior state of consciousness needed to create magick. This sequel is a logical follow-up, with Penczak teaching readers how to bring the sacredness of the inner world into the outer, visible world. As he did with Inner Temple , he organizes this guidebook into a 12-part lesson plan, designed to be completed month-by-month over the course of a year. (Traditional training in witchcraft lasts a year and a day.) Whether or not readers follow the monthly time line, this still makes an excellent grimoire of spells, recipes and rituals. Lessons include an extensive discussion of the gods and goddesses of witchcraft that helps practitioners understand why it's important to honor and work with them. Consistent with the nature-based foundation of witchcraft, Penczak devotes a lesson to the elements, explaining how to integrate them into rituals and cleansings. Like any good reference book, this one offers an abundance of exercises and visual examples throughout. But what makes this an exceptional resource is Penczak's ability to offer deeper philosophical discussions while simultaneously giving practical advice. One doesn't have to relate to the word "witch" to appreciate this guidebook; all it takes is willingness to create through intention, honor the cycles of nature and be ready to take personal power and responsibility over one's life. Once again Penczak proves himself to be a gifted teacher and a witch of the highest order.

ID: 878507708

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"The Quter Temple of Witchcraft" Christopher Penczak

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