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The Climate Is In Your Hands W.ukraińska
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THE Climate Is In Your Hands W.ukraińska

k.terletska, D. KUZMENKO

Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2023
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 80
ean: 978*****27609

The experiments proposed here will help to understand the causes and consequences of global climate changes on the planet. You can spend them both at home in the kitchen, and in the school office or during rest at a summer camp. Equipment necessary for experiments is always at hand. Time to learn how climate differs from weather and how it is formed; what is the greenhouse effect and how are clouds formed; why the glaciers are melting and will the Gulf Stream stop; what is dead water and where does the big garbage patch come from in the ocean. Recreate it all yourself!

[Kod oferty,5*******78966*****09,2023-12-16 00:07:22]
ID: 914307591

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The Climate Is In Your Hands W.ukraińska

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