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Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications Gregory
Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications Gregory
  • Prywatne

  • Rok wydania: 2006

  • Stan: Używane

  • Rodzaj: Nauki społeczne


Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications 5th ed.
Robert J. Gregory
Pearson International Edition
stan BDB
ISBN 0205504663

The goal of Psychological Testing is to teach students about the characteristics, objectives, and wide-ranging effects of psychological testing. In addition to the breadth of coverage of traditional topics, the fifth edition features new detailed presentations on neuropsychological and geriatric assessment, the early uses and abuses of testing, assessment of learning disabilities, testing in special settings, race differences in IQ, and cheating on national group achievement tests. The author describes and critiques the latest versions of the most widely used tests, examines the subtleties of the testing process, and explores the value-laden issues surrounding the wisdom of testing.

Other Highlights of the Fifth Edition

Chapter 2, “The History of Psychological Testing,” and Appendix A, “Major Landmarks in the History of Psychological Testing,” give students a broad overview of the field.
The importance of ethical and social issues in testing is emphasized in Chapter 1, “Applications and Consequences of Testing.”
Real-world case studies bring concepts to life for students.

The fifth edition of Psychological Testing provides detailed presentations on neuropsychological and geriatric assessment, the early uses and abuses of testing, assessment of learning disabilities, testing in special settings, race differences in IQ, and cheating on national group achievement tests. The author also describes and critiques the latest versions of the most widely used tests, examine the subtleties of the testing process, and explore the value-laden issues surrounding the wisdom of testing.
ID: 851168974

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