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Polynka W.ukraińska, Valentyn Zapeka
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POLYNKA W.ukraińska

valentyn ZAPEKA

Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2022
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 176
ean: 978*****26657

Polinka turned four. She stays with a caring grandmother and grandfather-trickster, who, despite his age, loves to brawl, arrange mischief, adventure and even organize treasure hunts. Thanks to her grandfather's inventions, the girl will not only love to eat porridge and make friends with the neighbor boy Nikolai, but also learn to read and count, get a bunch of scratches and a gift from the tooth fairy, go camping and learn a lot about the world around.

[Kod oferty,481862,978*****26657********-23 19:35:07]
ID: 914620711

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Dodane 18 maja 2024

Polynka W.ukraińska, Valentyn Zapeka

Tylko przedmiot

45,04 zł

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