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Pies and Prejudice STUART MACONIE - unikat
  • Prywatne

  • Rok wydania: 2007

  • Stan: Używane

  • Gatunek: Literatura obcojęzyczna


Pies and Prejudice STUART MACONIE
Książka po angielsku, stan dobry+.

A Northerner in exile Stuart Maconie goes on a journey in search of the North attempting to discover where the clichxE9s end and the truth begins. He travels from Wigan Pier to Blackpool Tower and Newcastles Bigg Market to the Lake District to find his own Northern Soul encountering along the way an exotic cast of chippy Scousers pie-eating woollybacks topless Geordies mad-for-it Mancs Yorkshire nationalists and brothers in southern exile.The bestselling Pies and Prejudice is a hugely enjoyable journey around the north of England.
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ID: 840140523

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Pies and Prejudice STUART MACONIE - unikat

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