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  7. Literatura - Czyżyny
Owl Ellie w. ukraińska - Georg Vollmer
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  • Rok wydania: 2022

  • Okładka: Miękka

  • Stan: Nowe


Ellie the owl is resting somewhere in a tree on a branch. And everything in her life would be wonderful, but the little one can't find a friend. At night, when it is time for owl games, everyone around is asleep. And as soon as the sun comes up and someone willing to play comes across, Ellie yawns deliciously and falls asleep sweetly. Until one day, the owl meets who she was looking for - the little bat Thea, who was also wandering alone in the dark. Since then, these two have turned the night life of the forest upside down. And even the difference in views will not be able to separate them.
ID: 905836395

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Owl Ellie w. ukraińska - Georg Vollmer

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