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In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans  W. Neulen
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  • Stan: Nowe


In the Skies of Europe: Air Forces Allied to the Luftwaffe 1939-1945, Hans Werner Neulen
The Crowood Press, 2000, 384 str, broszura, język angielski
książka nie czytana stan BDB

During the Second World War the air forces and pilots of the countries allied to Germany played a greater role than hitherto conceded by historians. In this book, Hans Werner Neulen has gathered an enormous amount of information on the air forces of eight countries and the various foreign airmen [including Russian] who fought with the Luftwaffe. Their operations, mostly carried out in conditions of numerical inferiority, their successes and failures, as well as the motivation of these aircrew and their often tragic fate are all incorporated into this comprehensive account.
ID: 831050565

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In the Skies of Europe Sojusznicy Luftwaffe 1939-45 Hans W. Neulen

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